Video, DCP
1920 x 1040, colour, sound
14 min. 28 sec.
A German sailing boat on the Mediterranean picks up a distress call. Max and his daughter Emily relay the mayday call and set course for the ship in distress, but as they learn more about the situation, it presents them with a tough dilemma. A chamber play on the open sea.
Original language: German, English
Available subtitles: English, German, French and Italian
With: Rainer Sellien & Odine Johne
Voice Actors: Warsama Guled, Gil Webster
Assistant Director: Lene Fritz
Camera Assistant: Leo Essbach
Skipper: Paola Teti
Sound Editor: Oliver Völkel
Sound Design: Moritz Drath
Editor: David Kuruc
Director of Photography: Fabian Gamper
Written, directed & produced: Florian Tscharf
Production: Baden-Württemberg & Florian Tscharf
Distribution & licensing: Filmacademy Baden-Württemberg
Mayday Relay, 2016
Video, colour, sound, 14 min. 28 sec.